Nibiruian-Marduke-Anunnaki (Omicrom+Drakonian+Human) race that seize control of Nibiru and D4 Solar Star Gate-4 during the Lucifer Rebellion 25,500 BC, and began Anunnaki Race Unity dominion campaign and plant the Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid (NDCG) Planetary Templar Control Network in at Stonehenge, England (before "Standing Stones").
In 1750 AD Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki races and the Galactic Federation began initiating remote "Channel Contact" with their "Chosen Ones," providing contrived spiritual teachings intended to develop into their later "New Age Movement," through which direct Fallen Angelic/ET contact could be made with little human resistance.
The Nibiruian Anunnaki biology follows the 34-CCW / 21-CW reverse Merkaba rotation; both the planet and its peoples are finite and unable to perpetuate life through self-generated ascension and embodiment of the Eternal Maharata, Kee-Ra-ShA and Kundaray Universal Life Force Currents.
The Nibiruians keep their planetary Templar and Star Gates functional by drawing energy from other "Living" planetary bodies via unnatural "External Merkaba Field" linking. (Merkaba structures that are "external to" or nor naturally a part of the intrinsic D-12 Christos Divine Blueprint for our Time Matrix)
References: The “Freedom Teachings” of the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO), Speaker: E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas.
- Voyagers II
- Masters Templar Stewardship Initiative