Reincarnate Identity
The evolution of life forms within a planet also takes place simultaneously, and, at any given time, activity takes place within each of the six time continua.
As a planet evolves, so does the consciousness stationed upon that planet.
Reincarnate Identities (see: Incarnate Matrix) represent portions of a person's soul awareness that are simultaneously stationed and evolving upon a version of the planet within each of the six time continua cycles of an Euiago cycle.
Usually a, a soul (see: Soul Matrix), HU-2 identity, manifest into 12 simultaneous incarnations, two in each of the six time cycles in one Harmonic Universe (HU).
In each pair of incarnates, one is male, the other female; this relationship is referred to as "twin flames", but does not necessarily imply a romantic "soul mate" involvement.
(See: Identity)
- Voyagers II