The Oraphim are a hybrid form of:
- Lyra-Sirius A Anuhazi (Elohei-Elohim Emarald Order Feline-Hominid)
- Sirius B Azurite Yani (Elohei-Elohim Feline-Hominid, Seraphei Avian-hominid and Bra-ha-Rama Inyu Cetacean), and
- Pleiadian Serres (Density-2 Seraphei Avian-hominid).
A group of Oraphin were further hybridized with the Azurite Yani race of Sirius B, to create the Maharaji lineage of Sirius B, the progenitors of the Christiac Maji-Indigo Child Grail Line on Earth.
One branch of the Maharaji Azurite-Oraphin human race line of Tara became the Mechizedek Cloister Priests of Ur Grail Line family, who became members of the AzuriteTemplar Security Team.
References: The “Freedom Teachings” of the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO), Speaker: E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas.
- Voyagers I