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Saturday, July 8, 2017

Light and Shadow

Light: In psychological terms the Light can be viewed as the most advanced and "higher minded" portions of our consciousness that lead us toward enlightenment.In energetic terms Light stands for the portions of our psyche that vibrate the highest, the highest frequency parts of our energy-identity, such as the Super-conscious Mind, the Higher Self and the Soul.In terms of our collective...


What the Dream state really is? There are different levels in the dream state. In certain levels we are just processing information from this reality system - this Harmonic Universe -, bit and pieces of information, frustrations. Etc. we are working them out in dreams so we don’t have to deal with them in physical terms. Between that level and the next level of dreaming, which is a place...


Consciousness is energy and all energy is conscious.(See: Rules of Existence)A popular misconception in the scientific arena is that consciousness is formed by the brain-function and thus ceases to exist at the death of the physical brain.This misconception simply illustrates that contemporary science remains innocent to the knowledge of Morphogenetic Fields (MF) and multi-dimensional reality...

Code Convolution

A condition of genetic inbreeding. That is, when you take the same genetic template and combine it with itself over and over and over at a certain point the original integrity of the mathematical template is compromised and breaks down until you start to get random probabilities that were not part of the original designed plan.That's how the Fallen Angelic races came into being in the...

CDT Plates

(Cloister Dora-Teura Plates) A series of 12 Pre-Atlantian Holographic Disk Records from 246,000 BC. They are small pale silver physical disk that contains massive tomes of practical physical and spiritual evolutionary advancement (Sacred Spiritual Science) teachings that are translated by 3 Speakers. The three CDT-Plates Speakers are always contemporaries and work closely and cooperatively...

The BeaST

Crystalline-Scalar-Mechanics based weapon technology promoted by the collective of renegade Necromiton-Andromie/Jehovian Anunnaki hybrid Nephilim races, now member of the UIR in contact with a group of Humans known as the "Labyrinth Group."This technology utilizes inter-time manipulation intended to create "minute time rips" into the Phantom Matrix.These groups has code-named this process...

Friday, July 7, 2017

Human Evolution

Human Evolution IS and has always been the process of Dimensional Ascension and Frequency Accretion.Through Keylontic Morphogenetic Science (Keylonta) we can learn to guide and accelerate our evolutionary process from a conscious level, rather than allowing genetic distortions to control our evolutionary destiny.(See: Evolution and Evolutionary Mechanics)Spiritual Evolution IS the process...

Human Origins

Humanity began 560 million years ago, as an Immortal Race called the Turaneusiam on planet Tara in Harmonic Universe-2 (HU-2).The Turaneusiam race had a 12-strand DNA morphogenetic imprint (see: MF) that allowed for embodiment of the 12 dimensional frequency bands of an HU-4 Avatar Identity.Humans were created as a planetary Guardian Race of God-like beings. References: The “Freedom...


When working with the Guardian Alliance they go through things called: Initiations,  Consummations and  Activations. An Initiation is when, let’s say you are a 3D being, and you start to pull the Keylon Codes of D4 into the dimensions that you already have.(See: Frequency Accretion)A Consummation would be when you pull in all of the frequencies band Keylon Codes of D4 .An Activation...

Light-Symbol Codes

(Fire Letters)Let’s compare this Keylonta light-symbol codes or “Fire Letters” to an alphabet, an alphabet that is multidimensional, and whose characters change placement, meaning and sound depending upon the dimensional frequency which they interface.The Fire Letters of this alphabet are stored within every cell of every human; it is the basis for the human genetic code.Each DNA Strand...